Player Agreements
Whether you're new to the team, looking to join or you've been a member for a while, the OBSA Player Agreements page serves as a resource for all by outlining key expectations and providing key information. By engaging with our organization you agree to these terms and conditions. Please read through them carefully and reach out to us if you have any questions or concerns.
Player Expectations
At OBSA we hold our players to high standards in order to ensure a respectful and productive soccer environment.
Punctuality: Players must arrive and be ready to participate in all sessions at least 15 minutes before the scheduled start time.
Communication: The team management staff must be notified in advance of any planned absence or foreseen tardiness.
Uniform and Equipment: Players must always be dressed in the complete team uniform during sessions and games (no mixing and matching). Players must have the required equipment for participation: uniform, shoes, shin pads, gloves, water.
Registration Fees: Program registration fees must be paid in accordance to the outlined payment schedule.
Failure to adhere to these expectations may result in disciplinary action, and in severe cases, removal from the program.
Core Values
Respect for self, teammates, staff, opponents, officials and all others involved.
Discipline on and off the field; self-control, communication and proper management of time are crucial.
Liability Waiver
Our participants acknowledge and agree to the following:
1. Assumption of Risk Participants understand and accept the inherent risks associated with soccer activities, including but not limited to the potential for injuries.
2. Release of Liability Participants release OTTAWA BLIZZARDS SOCCER ACADEMY (OBSA), its coaches, staff and affiliated entities from any liability for injuries, damages or losses sustained during, or in commute to and from OBSA activities.
At OBSA our commitment is to provide a value-filled soccer experience to all of our participants. By engaging with us, we expect our members to maintain a high standard of good character. We expect all participants to understand and agree to the outlined Code of Conduct, Liability Waiver and Privacy Policy. We prioritize the safety, privacy and overall wee-being of all members of the OBSA community.